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Merchant Portal


Whether you’re selling your products online, on social media, in-store or out of the boot of your car, we can help you accept payments safely and seamlessly.

Once you start receiving payments, we created a portal for you to manage your devices and transactions. You will be able to:

  • Track daily sales
  • Download documents
  • (in the future) Send receipts via email
  • You can download your merchant statements and export your transaction history

The Merchant Portal allows you to view all your transactions and sales, across all your Vodacom payment solutions (VodaPay Max and VodaPay Chop-Chop).


How to login

first time

first time login?

  • Once you have successfully been onboarded, you will receive an email with your Merchant ID, and your one time password will be sent to your cell phone number
  • Enter your Merchant ID in the field labelled “Merchant ID”. The Merchant ID is 15 characters long and begins with “VPS” e.g. VPS123412341234. Enter your one time password (OTP) in the field labelled “Password/OTP
  • If your OTP has expired, you can retrieve a new OTP by clicking on the “first time user” link. You will then be requested to provide your Merchant ID, if you have a valid Merchant ID a new OTP will be sent to your mobile number

Set Your password

  • Once your Merchant ID and one time password have been verified, you will be requested to set your new login password

  • Your password should consist of at least one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one special character and should have eight characters minimum. e.g. 1Aa&5678

  • Once your password has been set, you will be navigated to the login screen to login with your new credentials

How to change your password

  • If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot password?" link under the login button
  • You will be requested to enter Merchant ID, and if the Merchant ID is valid, a OTP will be sent to your mobile number
  • You will be redirected to a one time password screen to enter the OTP sent to your mobile phone. If the OTP is valid, you will be navigated to a set password screen to create your new password
  • Your password should consist of atleast one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one special character and should have eight characters minimum
  • Once you have reset your password, you can then login with your Merchant ID and password. If the login is successful, you will be directed to your dashboard

My Dashboard

  • You can navigate through the portal using the menu on the left hand side of your dashboard
  • Your dashboard can be filtered by date and terminals
  • The first graph on the top left of your dashboard is your total sales. This is the total Rand value of all the income earned across your terminals, and can be filtered per terminal type
  • The second graph on the top right of your dashboard is your total transactions, this includes, but not limited to, card taps, card swipes, QR scans, and reversals
  • The third graph below your total sales and total transactions is your daily transactions. This shows the Rand value and number of taps, swipes, QR scans per device. You can track your sales and transactions on an hourly basis or over a selection of days. Below your daily transactions, you can view your recent transactions and account settlements. Under "Recent Transactions" you will be shown your last few terminal transactions which have not yet been reconciled. “Last settlement” is the most recent amount we have settled with you.


  • You can filter through your terminals by terminal type
  • You can view your terminal type, personalised name, terminal ID and each terminals’ status


  • You can filter your reconciled transactions by date, transaction type and response codes
  • If you wish to save your transaction history, you can click on the “Export” button. This will export your transaction history as a CSV
  • For each date, we show you the total amount you earned in each settlement. You can expand these totals to view a breakdown of each settlement
  • If you would like some more information on a transaction, you can click on the line item. This will open a right hand slide out menu which will give you more details on a transaction
  • Coming soon, you will be able to send a receipt to an email address

Get Financed

  • As a Vodacom Business customer, if your business is performing well you will be able to apply for business funding
  • If you qualify for business funding, you can click on the “Apply Now” action. If you don’t yet qualify, click on the “More Info” to find out how to qualify

My Documents

  • In the documents tab, you can either view or download your documents such as financial statements
  • If you click on the file name, you will be able to view the selected the document. If you click on the download icon, the document will download to your device

My Profile

  • Your profile displays your business information and if you would like to change your password
  • On the profile we display your Merchant ID, Merchant Type, Merchant Category Code and Description, Company Name and Business Registration Number
  • If you would like to change your password, click on the change password button, this will open a slide out on the right hand side of the screen
  • Your password should consist of at least one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one special character and should have eight characters minimum. e.g. 1Aa&5678

Contact details

Call centre operating hours

Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm with after-hours emergency suppport